Advanced AIML Demand Forecasting

This research explores the effects of exogenous variables on AIML Predictive Algorithm Prophet, such as macroeconomic changes, population trends in relevant regions and disruptions, on the efficacy and accuracy of AIML forecasting algorithms for product demand in the...

FrAImework Research

Effective Human-Machine Teaming in Artificial Intelligence-Driven Supply Chains Summary: The MIT Digital SC Transformation research group is currently pursuing a research project on  “Human-Machine Teaming in Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven Supply Chains”...

Blockchain Applications in SCM – a reality check!

Dr. Inma Borrella, a research scientist at MIT CTL and collaborator with the Digital Supply Chain Transformation Initiative will be speaking at the New England Supply Chain Conference and Exhibition in October. The panel will focus on Blockchain applications and...

Digital Supply Chain Update on MMx SC3x

Digital technology is accelerating the pace of business and transforming supply chains. Transforming the supply chain digitally can lead to a 50% reduction in process costs and increase revenue by 20%. Maria Jesus Saenz research explores how inter-organization...

Dr. Maria Jesus Saenz at Academy of Management 2019 Conference

Dr. Maria Jesus Saenz presented her latest research at AOM2019 this past week in Boston. Maria’s research and talks featured two papers, The Trade-Offs of Resilience and Efficiency in Synchromodal Supply Chains: An Empirical Analysis Practice-oriented and...