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Featured Publications
Human–Artificial Intelligence Collaboration in Prediction: A Field Experiment in the Retail Industry. Journal of Information and Management Systems, 2023.
Mapping the impact of geographic differences on global supply chain practices. Supply Chain Management Review. 2024.
From natural language to simulations: Applying AI to automate simulation modelling of logistics systems. International Journal of Production Research. 2023.
Digital Supply Chain Transformation: Aligning Operations and Strategy. Supply Chain Management Review. 2022.
Full Publication Library
- Ilya Jackson, Jafar Namdar, Maria Jesús Saénz, Richard Augustus Elmquist III & Luis Rodrigo Dávila Novoa (02 Sep 2024): Revolutionize cold chain: an AI/ML driven approach to overcome capacity shortages, International Journal of Production Research, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2024.2398583
- Borrella I., Morrison L., Saenz M.J. and Ponce E.. Mapping the impact of geographic differences on global supply chain practices. Supply Chain Management Review, Sept 2024.
- Moretto A., Guida M., Latino M.A., Saenz M.J. and Jackson I. Theorizing the role of Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chain Processes: unveiling managerial perspectives and strategic applications. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Special Issue Call for Papers.
- Simon C., Revilla E. and Saenz M.J. (2024).Integrating AI in organizations for value creation through Human-AI teaming: A dynamic-capabilities approach. Journal of Business Research, 182.
- Namdar D. and Saenz M.J. (2024). The potential role of the secondary market for semiconductor manufacturing equipment. MIT Digital Supply Chain Transformation Lab.
- Jackson, I., Ivanov, D., Dolgui, A., & Namdar, J. (2024). Generative artificial intelligence in supply chain and operations management: a capability-based framework for analysis and implementation. International Journal of Production Research, 1-26.
- Nair, D., Saenz, M.J. (2024). Pair People and AI for Better Product Demand Forecasting. MIT Sloan Management Review.
- Revilla, E., Saenz, M.J., Seifert, M. and Ma, Y. (2023). Human–Artificial Intelligence Collaboration in Prediction: A Field Experiment in the Retail Industry. Journal of Information and Management Systems, 40(4), 1071–1098.
- Saenz M.J., Revilla E., Borrella I. (2023). Digital Transformation Is Changing Supply Chain Relationships. In Supply Chain: The Insights You Need, Harvard Business Review Books.
- Jackson, I., & Ivanov, D. (2023). A beautiful shock? Exploring the impact of pandemic shocks on the accuracy of AI forecasting in the beauty care industry. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 180, 103360.
- Jackson, I., Saenz, M.J., & Ivanov, D. (2023). From natural language to simulations: applying AI to automate simulation modelling of logistics systems. International Journal of Production Research, 1-24.
- Revilla E., Acero, B., and Saenz M.J. (2023). Resilience in the Supply Chain. J. Sarkis (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Supply Chain Management. Springer.
- Rolf, B., Jackson, I., Müller, M., Lang, S., Reggelin, T., & Ivanov, D. (2023). A review on reinforcement learning algorithms and applications in supply chain management. International Journal of Production Research, 1-29.
- Jackson, I., Saenz, M. J., Li, Y., & Moreno, M. S. R. (2023). Synchromodal Supply Chains for Fast-Moving Consumer Goods. Applied Sciences, 13(5), 3119.
- What Is a Digital Twin? And How Can It Make Companies—and Cities—More Efficient? By March 17, 2023.
- Tozanli, O. Saenz, M.J. (August 2022). Unlocking the Potential of Digital Twins in Supply Chains. MIT Sloan Management Review.
- Saenz, M. J., Revilla, E., Borrella, I. ()July 2022. Digital Transformation Is Changing Supply Chain Relationships. Harvard Business Review.
- Tozanli, O. and Saenz, M. J. (July/August 2022). Four Misconceptions are Hampering the Advancement of Digital Twins. Supply Chain Management Review.
- Interview with O. Tozanli. (April 2022). The Race to Future-Proof the Supply Chain. WIRED UK.
- Saenz M.J., Borrella I. and Revilla E. (April 2022). Digital SC Transformation: Aligning Operations and Strategy. Supply Chain Management Review.
- Acero, B., Saenz, M.J., and Luzzini, D. (2022). Introducing Synchromodality: One Missing Link Between Transportation and Supply Chain Management. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 58:51-64.
- Farahani, M. H., Dawande, M., Janakiraman, G. (2022). Order Now, Pickup in 30 Minutes: Managing Queues with Static Delivery Guarantees. Operations Research, 70(4), 2013-2031
- Interview with O. Tozanli. How digital twins can help unsnarl global supply chains. ServiceNow, March 2022.
- Jarugumilli, S. P., Zhu, F., and Tozanli, O. (February 2022). Micro-fulfillment as a way of life. Supply Chain Management Review.
- Farahani, M. H., Dawande, M., Gurnani, H., Janakiraman, G. (2021). Better to Bend than to Break: Sharing Supply Risk Using the Supply-Flexibility Contract. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 23(5), 1257-1274.
- Borrella, I., Saenz, M.J., and Revilla, E. (2021). Dell: Roadmap of a Digital Supply Chain Transformation. Ivey Publishing.
- Torres, A., Gonzalez F., and Saenz, M. J. (September 2021). Driving Slow Doesn’t Always Mean Driving Safe. Supply Chain Management Review.
- Saenz, M. J. (September 2021). Don’t overlook the importance of KPIs in AI/ML projects. Supply Chain Management Review.
- Feng, J., Moreno, M. M. S., and Tozanli, O. (September 2021). Developing a Digital Container Triangulation Solution in China. Supply Chain Management Review.
- Tozanlı, Ö., Kongar, E., and Gupta, S. M. (2021). Trade-in-to-Upgrade Policymaking in a Digital Twin Disassembly-to-Order System for the Consumer Electronics Industry. Sustainable Production and Logistics: Modeling and Analysis, p.103.
- Herrmann, C., Huang, L., and Saenz M.J. (February 2021). AI and Employees: Crafting Successful Teams. Supply Chain Management Review.
- Interview with M.J. Saenz. (November 2020). Building resilient supply chains. MIT Technology Review.
- Sáenz M.J., Caballero, S. (September 2020). Covid-19 Separates Leaders from Laggards in ML-Driven Demand Forecasting. MIT CTL Blog.
- Tozanlı, Ö., Kongar, E., and Gupta, S. M. (2020). Evaluation of Waste Electronic Product Trade-in Strategies in Predictive Twin Disassembly Systems in the Era of Blockchain. Sustainability, 12(13), p.5416.
- I Like Quadrants And I Cannot Lie. Forbes, May 31, 2020.
- Sáenz M.J. (April 2020). How the Pandemic Could Remake Supply Chain’s Digital Future.
- Saenz M.J., Revilla E., and Simon C. (April 2020). What does the human face of AI look like? Supply Chain Management Review.
- Interview with M.J. Saenz. AI starts to make some supply chain decisions. Supply Chain Management Review, March/April 2020.
- Saenz M.J., Revilla E. and Simon C. (March 2020). Designing AI Systems with Human-Machine Teams. MIT Sloan Management Review.
- Tozanlı, Ö., Kongar, E., and Gupta, S. M. (2020). Trade-in-to-upgrade as a marketing strategy in disassembly-to-order systems at the edge of blockchain technology. International Journal of Production Research, 58:23, 7183-7200.
- Tozanlı, Ö., and Kongar, E. Integration of Industry 4.0 Principles into Reverse Logistics Operations for Improved Value Creation: A Case Study of a Mattress Recycling Company. In Erkollar, A. (ed.) Enterprise & Business Management: A Handbook for Educators, Consultants, and Practitioners, p.1.
- Chen W., Kucukyazici B. and Saenz M.J. On the joint dynamics of the economic and environmental performances for collective take-back systems, International Journal of Production Economics, 2019, 218, p.228-244.
- Sheffi Y., Saenz M.J., Rivera L. and Gligor D.. The Role of Logistics Clusters in Facilitating Horizontal Collaboration Mechanisms. European Planning Studies, 2019, 27(5), 905–931.
- Saenz M.J., Rice J., and Cottrill K. Do You Have the DT’s? Why It’s Time to Bring Digital Transformation Down to Earth. Supply Chain Management Review, 1 April 2019.
- The supply chain gets an important role in Digital Transformation. Interview,, Feb 2019.
- Tozanlı, Ö., Kongar, E., and Gupta, S. M. Supplier Selection Model for End-of-Life Product Recovery: An Industry 4.0 Perspective. In Responsible Manufacturing Issues Pertaining to Sustainability, 2019, p.323-344.
- Saenz, M.J., and Cottrill K., Navigating the road to digital supply chain transformation. Supply Chain Management Review, Jan 2019.
- CBSA and Montreal port dip toes into the blockchain to tug shipping into the digital age. Interview October 25, 2018.
- Acero B. and Sáenz M.J. Synchromodal Networks and their Effect on Logistics Differentiation: Construct Development and Empirical Examination. Working paper, MIT CTL.
- Acero B. and Sáenz M.J. The trade-offs of Resilience and Efficiency in Synchromodal Supply Chains: an empirical analysis. Working paper, MIT CTL.
- Acero B., Sáenz M.J. and Revilla E. Implementation of a Collaborative and Formal Supply Chain Risk Management Structure on Disruption Minimization. Working paper, MIT CTL.
- Lennartz C.M., Saenz M.J., and Wallenburg C.M. Which Dynamic Capabilities facilitate Digital Supply Chain Transformations? Working paper, MIT CTL.
- Lennartz C.M., Saenz M.J., and Wallenburg C.M. Ambidexterity and Digital Supply Chain Transformations? Working paper, MIT CTL.
- Saenz M.J., Rivera L., and Luzzini D. Dynamic Capabilities in Horizontal Collaboration. Working paper, MIT CTL.
- Saenz M.J., Knoppen, D. and Mendonca E., Building manufacturing flexibility with strategic suppliers and contingent effect of product dynamism on customer satisfaction. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 2018, 24, 238-246.
- Alshibli, M., El Sayed, A., Tozanli, O., Kongar, E., Sobh, T. M., and Gupta, S. M. A Decision Maker-Centered End-of-Life Product Recovery System for Robot Task Sequencing. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2018, 91(3-4), p.603-616.
- Knoppen, D. and Sáenz M.J., Interorganizational teams in low versus high dependence contexts. International Journal of Production Economics, 2017, 191, Sept, 15-25.
- Tozanli, O., Duman, G. M., Kongar, E., and Gupta, S. M. Environmentally concerned logistics operations in fuzzy environment: a literature survey. Logistics, 2017 1(1), 4.
- Duman, G. M., Tozanli, O., Kongar, E., and Gupta, S. M. A holistic approach for performance evaluation using quantitative and qualitative data: A food industry case study. Expert systems with applications, 2017, 81, 410-422.
- Saenz, M.J., Gupta, R., and Makowski, C. 2017. Finding Profit in Horizontal Collaboration. Supply Chain Management Review. January 2017 issue.
- Saenz, M.J. and Revilla E. Desigual’s Multi-Stranded Approach to Omni-channel. Supply Chain Management Review. May-June issue, 2016.
- Saenz, M.J. The Physical Internet: Logistics Reimagined?. Supply Chain Management Review. 23 March 2016.
- Chen, W., Kucukyazici, B, Verter, V. and Saenz, M.J. Supply Chain Design for Unlocking the Value of Remanufacturing Under Uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research, 2015, 247, 804-819.
- Sáenz, M.J. and Koufteros, X. (Guest editors). Special Issue on Literature Reviews in Supply Chain Management and Logistics. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2015, 45 (1-2), 2-11.
- Sáenz, M.J. and Revilla E., Creating More Resilient Supply Chains. MIT Sloan Management Review, Summer issue, 2014, 22-24.
- Sáenz, M.J., Revilla, E. and Knoppen, D. Absorptive capacity in buyer-supplier relationships: empirical evidence of its mediating role. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2014, 50(2), 18-40.
- Rocke, R., Zhang, L., Jackson, I., and Saenz, M. J. Impact of Exogenous Variables on AI/ML Forecasting Algorithm Prophet, in the FMCG Industry. MIT-CTL SCM Master’s Thesis. 2024.
- Ding, Z., Sena, L. F., and Saenz, M. J. Dealing with Supply Chain Complexities with Scenario Intelligence. MIT-CTL SCM Master’s Thesis. 2024.
- Boaron, F., Adeyemi, F., and Saenz, M. J. Buying Channels strategy – Advanced data analytics for procurement efficiency. MIT-CTL SCM Master’s Thesis. 2024.
- Mamakos, A., and Saenz, M. J. Spare Parts Predictive Analytics for Telecommunications Company. MIT-CTL SCM Master’s Thesis. 2022.
- AlArfaj, I., Arslan, Y., and Tozanli, O. Enhancing Supply Chain Operating Models Through Segmentation. MIT-CTL SCM Master’s Thesis. 2022.
- Oleksyn, M., Kook, T. S., and Saenz, M. J. Better Contract – Better 3PL Performance. MIT-CTL SCM Master’s Thesis. 2022.
- Arias, R. G., Gweder, A. S. S., and Tozanli, O. Supply Chain Modeling for Temperature-Sensitive Pharmaceutical Goods. MIT-CTL SCM Master’s Thesis. 2022.
- Moreno, J. D. S., and Saenz, M. J. Power Influence in Horizontal Collaboration Relationships. MIT-CTL SCM Master’s Thesis. 2021.
- Zhu, F., Jarugumilli, S. P., and Tozanli, O. Micro-Fulfillment Feasibility for Metro Trade Area Transformation. MIT-CTL SCM Capstone Project. 2021.
- Reyes, M. F., Garg, S., and Tozanli, O. Adaptability of Manufacturing Operations through Digital Twins, MIT-CTL SCM Capstone Project. 2021.
- Kong, C., Artman, N. C. S., Saenz, M. J., and Tozanli, O. Leveraging Predictive Analytics to Assess Operations Metrics. MIT-CTL SCM Capstone Project. 2021.
- Feng, J., Moreno, M. M. S., and Tozanli, O. Developing a Digital Solution to Container Triangulation in China. MIT-CTL SCM Capstone Project. 2021.
- Acero, A. T. A., Gil, F. G., and Saenz, M. J. Fuel Efficiency and Safety in Coca-Cola FEMSA Last-Mile Logistics. MIT-CTL SCM Capstone Project. 2021.
- Kuppuswamy, K., Saenz, M.J., and Tozanli, O. Digital Transformation for Flexible Last Mile Distribution. MIT-CTL SCM Capstone Project. 2021.
- Rose, J. W., Stolz, M., and Saenz, M. J. Tradeoffs in Strategic Capacity Planning Under Demand Uncertainty. MIT-CTL SCM Capstone Project. 2021.
- Ma, Y. and Saenz, M.J. Intelligent Demand Planning. MIT-CTL SCM Master’s Thesis, 2020.
- Herrmann, C., Huang, L., and Saenz, M.J. Human-Machine Teaming in AI-Driven Supply Chains. MIT-CTL SCM Capstone Project 2020.
- Gallo, S., Ortega, A., Saenz, M. J., and Tozanli, O. Manufacturing Digital Transformation Strategy for FMCG. MIT-CTL SCM Capstone Project 2020.
- Gosling L., Urrutia J. and Saenz M.J. Analytics Driving Supply Chain Segmentation for Lenovo. MIT-CTL SCM Capstone Project 2019.
- Nagarathinam A., Zhang M., Saenz M.J., and Mattos M. Collaborative Last-Mile Delivery. MIT- CTL SCM Capstone Project 2019.
- Kumar A., Ting P., and Saenz M.J. RFID & Analytics Driving Agility in Apparel Supply Chain. MIT-CTL SCM Capstone Project 2019.