Nov 15, 2019 | Projects, Research
Effective Human-Machine Teaming in Artificial Intelligence-Driven Supply Chains Summary: The MIT Digital SC Transformation research group is currently pursuing a research project on “Human-Machine Teaming in Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven Supply Chains”...
Sep 12, 2019 | Education, News
Digital technology is accelerating the pace of business and transforming supply chains. Transforming the supply chain digitally can lead to a 50% reduction in process costs and increase revenue by 20%. Maria Jesus Saenz research explores how inter-organization...
Jun 11, 2019 | Education, Events, News
Dr. Maria Jesus Saenz, Ph.D. will be teaching at MIT CTL’s June Executive Education. The industry-leading executive education program, Supply Chains Driving Strategic Advantage: Managing Dynamics & Innovating the Future, is taught by distinguished MIT...
May 20, 2019 | Education, Events, News
Dr. Maria Jesus Saenz, Ph.D. will be teaching Digitalization in Supply Chain at the Ningbo Supply Chain Innovation Institute, an MIT SCALE Network Center. Digitalization is revolutionizing supply chains landscape dramatically, but intellectual, searching minds are...